Title: President & CEO
Workplace: Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement
Boards: National Council of Nonprofits
Alma Maters: University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Millersville University
Best advice for your younger self? “Seriously, you need to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ We work hard throughout our life and experience so many things in life, and it is important to savor those moments.”
In the world of Delaware nonprofits, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA) is all about advancing nonprofit impact in the First State. And that can’t be done without leaders like Sheila Bravo, who has served as the organization’s president and CEO since 2015. Before leading DANA, Bravo worked in nonprofit, for-profit and academic industries, most recently as the former executive director of the Rehoboth Art League, but also in roles where she developed strategic growth plans for nationally known brands such as Vlasic Pickles and Corningware Ovenware.