Mark Holodick

Title: Secretary

Workplace: Delaware Department of Education

Alma Maters: University of Delaware, Wilmington University, West Virginia Wesleyan College

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Boards: Delaware P20 Council, Delaware Foundation for Science and Math Education, CCSSO Internal Operations Committee, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, Delaware Youth Drug Prevention Task Force

Q&A: First job? Bussing tables and barbacking at HA Winston’s in the Independence Mall. 

Dr. Mark Holodick is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, and coordination of all activities of the Delaware Department of Education. He’s an adviser to the governor and his team on state policies, programs and activities related to public education in Delaware. Holodick works closely with nine cabinet members and their teams who provide leadership, guidance, and support for our 19 districts and 24 charter schools in many areas including: Academics, School Safety and Security, Student Opportunities and Outcomes, Equity and Innovation, Leadership Development, and Workforce Development. Holodick has been vocal about school funding models, focusing on student outcomes and empowering educators. 

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