Greg Watkins

Title: Founder

Workplace: AllHipHop LLC

Alma Mater: The Art Institute of Philadelphia

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Boards: Delaware State Council for the Arts, MillSummit

Best advice for your younger self? “Do not panic, stay calm, live to see tomorrow.”

“Grouchy” Greg Watkins has been in the recording industry since 1993 when he launched his own record label Oblique Recordings, and soon was selling MP3s. When the label closed years later, he and friend Chuck Creekmur founded AllHipHop, a website that intensively covers the hip-hop music scene through a lens of a news organization. By 2003, the site was bringing enough revenue to make it Watkins’ full-time job. Throughout the years, the website AllHipHop received accolades like “CNN of hip-hop” by Essence magazine and the 2009 Best Hip Hop Online Site/App Award from BET. Almost 19 years after forming, Watkins’ launched to reach the next generation.

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