Yushan Yan

Title: Henry B. du Pont Professor & CEO

Workplace: University of Delaware & Versogen

Alma Maters: California Institute of Technology, University of Science and Technology of China

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Board: Versogen, Inc.

What is your toughest challenge? “Finding time for all the things I wanted to do.”

Yushan Yan, the chair of the University of Delaware’s chemical and biomolecular engineering program and a researcher who has worked on fuel cell technology for decades, is leading the state’s efforts to capitalize on the green hydrogen industry. He serves as the founding director of UD’s Center for Clean Hydrogen, a public-private partnership that will invest in the advancement of hydrogen technologies. Yan also founded the green hydrogen startup Versogen, which has developed a proprietary membrane and electrolyzer to produce carbon-free hydrogen from water. The startup has raised millions and plans to hire dozens of workers in Delaware. As part of the regional effort to accelerate the Mid-Atlantic Region as a hydrogen hub, Yan has received a portion of millions of federal funding to back Versogen.

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