Peggy Del Fabbro

Title: CEO

Workplace: M. Davis & Sons

Alma Mater: University of Delaware

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Boards: Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Delaware Valley Chapter, The Brandywine Valley SPCA Advisory Board

Best advice you’ve received? My father always told me: “Do what you say you are going to do.”

As the fifth generation of Davis family members to lead the storied M. Davis & Sons construction firm, Peggy Del Fabbro has been on the job since she was a little girl. While she was hesitant to follow in her father’s footsteps at first, she joined the family business and worked her way through the ranks until taking over in 2008. In her tenure, Del Fabbro has launched boiler and electrical power distribution departments along with an engineering group. Today, M. Davis is the largest woman-owned company in Delaware and a leader in customized industrial solutions.

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