Lee Mikles

Title: Founder & Owner

Workplace: OMG Hospitality

Alma Mater: University of Delaware

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Boards: Kennett Collaborative

What is your favorite book? “‘Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect” by Will Guidara.”

When it comes to the future of Grain Craft Bar + Kitchen, Lee Mikles is all about building the brand and moving the business forward. Along with co-founder Jim O’Donoghue, he operates multiple Grain brand restaurants in Delaware and Pennsylvania, the flagship of which was launched on Main Street in Newark in 2015. The published author and co-owner of OMG Hospitality has also participated in various Delaware-based philanthropic efforts while his award-winning entrepreneurial endeavors have helped create over 100 regional jobs, including marketing firm The Archer Group, which was sold in 2020.


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