Kathaleen St. J. McCormick

Title: Chancellor

Workplace: Delaware Court of Chancery

Alma Maters: Harvard University, Notre Dame Law School

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Delaware’s Court of Chancery is the premier venue for legal disputes for the state’s more than 1 million legal incorporations, and its judges hear cases that involve shareholders, executives and corporate boards. In 2021, Chancellor Kathaleen St. J. McCormick became the first female chancellor in the court’s history. She began her legal career as a legal aid lawyer, and then went into private practice at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, focusing on corporate and alternative entity law. In 2018, Gov. John Carney appointed McCormick to the Court of Chancery as a new vice chancellor. She took over the top seat from Chancellor Andre Bouchard. Among recent cases, McCormick was assigned the merger dispute between Elon Musk and Twitter in 2022.

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