Jean Dahlgren

Title: Former President

Workplace: Delaware College of Art and Design

Alma Maters: Marywood University, State University of New York Oswego

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Boards: Downtown Visions, Main Street Wilmington

What’s something interesting about you that isn’t on your resume? “I don’t know how interesting it is but I used to play polo.”

In 2018, Jean Dahlgren became the first female president of Delaware College of Art and Design in its history. The two-year arts college was founded in 1997, based on the inspiration of how the Savannah College of Art and Design impacted its city. DCAD sees roughly 125 students with 60% of its student body from Delaware and maintains regional relationships with other art colleges. Dahlgren, who previously taught graphic design, has already expanded DCAD’s majors and non-degree programs to modernize its offerings during her tenure.

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