Gianmarco Martuscelli

Title: President

Workplace: Martuscelli Restaurant Group

Alma Mater: St. Joseph’s University

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Boards: Delaware Restaurant Association, Darren Daulton Foundation

Favorite hobby? “Going to Eagles games and having great tailgates.”

Martuscelli Restaurant Group President Gianmarco Martuscelli oversees day-to-day operations at the group’s four concepts in Delaware and nearby Maryland, including longtime favorites La Casa Pasta and Klondike Kate’s. The Salesianum High School graduate began his restaurant career as a dishwasher and has worked his way up, now serving as chairman of the Delaware Restaurant Association and vice president of the Chesapeake City, Md., Chamber of Commerce. He and his father, Giuseppe, opened the Chesapeake Inn in Chesapeake City in 1996.

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