Drew Slater

Title: Executive Director

Workplace: Sustainable Energy Utility, Inc. (Energize Delaware)

Alma Maters: Washington College, Wilmington College

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Boards: Biggs Museum of American Art, Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, Governor’s Energy Advisory Council

What was your first job? “I was a server at the Old Mill Crab House where, among other things, I learned to carry five pitchers in one hand while balancing crabs, corn, chicken and hush puppies. That is until one time where I dropped the crabs on someone… at least they weren’t alive.”

Andrew “Drew” Slater was named the leader of Energize Delaware in early 2023, tasked with leading the nonprofit that aids residents, businesses, nonprofits, government facilities, farms and schools to become energy efficient. Before becoming the second executive director of Energize Delaware, Slater built a resume of 20 years of experience in various roles, such as Delaware’s Public Advocate, then-Rep. John Carney’s Kent and Sussex coordinator and legislative assistant for the State Senate. In his work with the Office of Public Advocate, he worked to strengthen the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standards and the competition of the Artificial Island project to improve reliability for the electric grid.

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