Chris Strand

Title: Executive Director and CEO

Workplace: Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library

Alma Maters: University of Colorado, University of Delaware

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Boards: Greater Wilmington Convention & Visitors Bureau, Delaware Futures, Kalmar Nyckel Foundation, National Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association, Cityfest, Inc.

Favorite thing about Delaware? “There are so many amazing nonprofit organizations doing good work in this state – this is something of which I think Delaware should be extremely proud.”

When Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, one of Delaware’s most attended and respected museums, needed to find a new CEO in 2021, it turned to Chris Strand. He had served as director of garden and estate at Winterthur since 2005, managing the care of the historic du Pont family’s nearly 1,000-acre property. As its leader, Strand will be responsible for Winterthur’s numerous academic programs with the University of Delaware, fundraising, planning and more. He already scored a win in landing a major exhibit on late couture designer Ann Lowe.

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