Brett Saddler

Title: Executive Director

Workplace: Claymont Renaissance Development Corporation

Alma Mater: University of Delaware

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Boards: Delaware Commercial-Industrial Realty Council

Favorite thing about Delaware? “Forget the concept of six degrees of separation, it’s more than 1/16th of a degree. In Delaware if you talk to someone for long enough you’ll learn of a mutual friend or acquaintance.”

As a public-private organization, the Claymont Renaissance Development Corporation is invested in reviving the community that used to be dominated by the steel industry. In coordination with the state, New Castle County and other government entities, Brett Saddler has been focused on strategies that will make Claymont an ideal place to work and live. In recent years, Saddler has helped lead the way for a riverwalk project and worked on a master plan incorporating major redevelopment concepts. On the horizon, a new cold-storage facility and train station will help kickstart massive economic development in the area.

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