Awesome New Health Product? How to Create Buzz in an Organic, Ethical Way
Few people understand the process of developing exciting new products for the health-conscious market, so if you’re one of those people, you are already breathing rare air. Creating a product that helps people become healthier takes a huge investment of both time and money-and you’ve spent copious amounts of both. You’ve done the research, sourced the finest organic ingredients, paid for the tests (and clinical trials, if applicable), and your product is finally ready for market.
Your next challenge is-how do you raise public awareness and generate buzz for it in a manner that does justice to your efforts? How do you reach your target market (i.e., the health-conscious consumer)-a demographic that is largely skeptical of sensational claims-to let them know how great your product is and how it can help them? Let’s explore the possibilities.
Focus on Helping the Consumer, not Elevating Your Product
Brand awareness is important, but the only thing that will convince someone to buy your product is if they believe it will help them. What problems does your product solve? What needs does it meet? Will using this product make your customer healthier, happier, calmer, etc.? Don’t just advertise your product; tell people what it does. Aim your marketing message toward addressing the customer’s pain points and explaining how your product provides the solution.
Find the Influencers
In today’s culture, many people decide what to buy based on the people of influence around them. The health-conscious crowd is no different; if someone they respect tries a product and likes it, they’re more likely to try it, too. Many of the people in your target market follow social media influencers on Instagram and Facebook; find out who these people are and offer to let them try your product. If they like it and post about it, you’ve found a powerful ally to get your message out there organically.
Educate Consumers
Even after you’ve gotten the attention of the wellness consumer, they’re probably not going to buy until they learn more about your product and how you developed it. Follow up your initial marketing message with more in-depth materials explaining the problems your product solves and how you developed it. Include data on studies and trials, if applicable. (Remember, this is a skeptical bunch, so you need to back your claims with as much data as possible.) One great way to educate people is to publish a guest article in some sort of publication they are likely to read.
Reach Them Where They Are
Don’t waste your advertising dollars on mass media where most of your prospective buyers won’t even be tuning in. Instead, try targeting those dollars in the places where health-conscious individuals are likely to hang out. For example, by advertising on the closed-circuit TVs in your local health club, you can aim your message directly at your target market while they’re working out at the treadmill or undergoing a spa treatment. You’ll reach more potential customers for far less money that way.
At Hockessin Athletic Club, we believe in helping our members learn more about new products that can help them, which is why we’ve established a multi-faceted digital advertising platform for health products and services to get their message out. To learn more about our digital advertising opportunities, give us a call today.
Taylor Watkins is the Advertising Manager at Hockessin Athletic Club who enjoys spreading the word about his community. His goal is to increase awareness of great local brands and businesses. Taylor has been a part of the HAC team for over 9 years working in membership and advertising sales. He has an MBA in Sports Marketing and Management from the University of Delaware and is also a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM. If he’s not at HAC, he’s probably traveling the world with his family or just hanging out!