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How to Celebrate Halloween in 2020

It’s no secret that we’ve all seen obstacles throughout the year 2020. So what can we expect from this year’s Halloween celebration on Saturday, October 31? Now that the coronavirus is serving as the big bad monster, are kids going to be knocking on your door trick or treating? Concerned parents should limit packs to no more than 4 kids. At least wearing masks shouldn’t be a problem. Meanwhile, all candy must be thoroughly wiped down before consumption. Ensuring children’s safety on what should be a fun holiday only adds to the stress of any concerned parent. Fortunately for moms and dads everywhere, a few techniques, like the best CBD products and eerie music, now exist to stay calm and cool on a potentially frightening Halloween.

Let’s say you are feeling down because you can’t attend a big costume party, or perhaps you’re stressed out because your kids want to knock on every door in your neighborhood. You can now depend on festive CBD Halloween Gummies, including 1000mg Jack ‘O’ Lantern Halloween Gummies and Gummy Sharks, to relax your mind, as well as your body. In no time, users can feel at peace. Once your system is calm and cool, falling asleep becomes a piece of cake. You will have no trouble getting 8 hours of deep rest. That means you’ll hop out of bed in the morning looking and feeling totally refreshed. Everything is laboratory tested, as well as made from natural hemp and processed in the United States. To top it all off, you get to pick from a wide variety of fun colors, shapes and potencies of tasty CDB edibles.

Next, feel free to act like a child and decorate your home with as much Halloween gear as possible. You can’t go to a haunted house this year, but you can still place a skeleton in the window and giant spider webs along your walls. Do you have any scary music to play on your stereo? You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your front yard look like a cemetery or hang ghosts from your trees. The physical act of decorating your home actually releases endorphins. Acting festive on Halloween can actually put you into a good mood.

Even if your kids and coworkers will laugh at you, feel free to wear a silly Halloween costume throughout the day. After all, it is the one day that you are supposed to dress up like your favorite superhero or timeless character from “Saturday Night Live.” Take lots of photos to post on social media and share them with friends and family. Will you dress up as Aquaman, a Pirate of the Caribbean or one of the Ghostbusters? Whatever puts a smile on your face.

Sure, our planet is currently experiencing a horrifying pandemic. So snuggle up with your family and enjoy a Freddy Krueger movie on TV. When is the last time you watched The Shining? Even if you live alone, you can hang out on online chat rooms. In other words, you don’t have to be on your own during this terrifying time. Drink a beer, snack on some popcorn and sample some of the top CBD Gummies to make the most out of Halloween this year.

Please enter coupon code GHOST25 to get 25% off your order. Expires 10-31-2020.

By David Baker, Cannabis Extraordinaire
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