Urban and Community Forestry Grants Available

Dover, Del. — Municipalities, community associations, and nonprofits in Delaware can now apply for urban and community forestry grants up to $5,000 from the Delaware Forest Service for a tree planting or tree management project. The deadline to apply is March 4, 2016. There are also Chesapeake Bay Tree Planting Grants available for applicants with land located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Through a federal grant, the Delaware Forest Service offers up to $50,000 each year to communities throughout the state for tree planting, tree care, and tree management projects on publicly owned lands. The applicant must match these grants on a 50-50 basis either non-federal funds or in-kind services (volunteer time, staff time, etc.) within program guidelines. The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program’s grant program s open to all municipalities, community associations, and certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations within the State of Delaware.

Grants range from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $5,000 in one of two project categories: tree planting or tree management. Applications are limited to one project in one project category and are judged on a competitive basis by a grant committee of the Delaware Community Forestry Council. Eligible projects must be performed on public lands within the community. Priority is given to first time applicants, Tree Friendly Communities, and applicants that have passed an Urban Tree Canopy Goal Resolution (only applies to municipalities).

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A free workshop to help participants complete the application process will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Delaware Center for Horticulture at 1810 N. DuPont St, Wilmington, DE 19806  Contact: Vikram Krishnamurthy, Phone:(302) 658-6262

Please register by January 15 at http://goo.gl/mBp4Db

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