UD taking employer requests to hire its grad students
If you ask a human resources professional their most pressing concern, most will agree that it’s a serious talent shortage. In fact, 28 percent of executives say that they’re challenged by a lack of future leaders in their organizations.
This means that organizations must take new approaches to developing and engaging talent.
One valuable tool in this fight against talent shortages is the employment of graduate students, who have mastered a number of useful abilities and are open to learning new skills. Companies who employ these graduate student workers can develop bench strength and build a talent pipeline while completing current projects.
Graduate students from the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics are available to work for 20 hours per week for a reasonable cost. The University is currently taking employer requests for the next semester work period which runs from mid January through mid May.
These students are experienced in all business disciplines including information systems and technology management, finance, accounting, marketing and MBA studies.
Contact Rita Hollingsworth at 302-831-4831 or Ritah@udel.edu for more information.