Survey shows union members don’t know they can opt out

The National Employee Freedom Week coalition, made up of 90 groups including the National Right To Work Foundation and the Heritage Foundation, has released a new survey saying nearly 40 percent of union households nationwide don’t realize they can opt out of union membership and paying at least a portion of their union dues.

The survey is part of the NEFW coalition’s annual campaign to inform union members about their right to leave their unions. The coalition includes one Delaware group, the Caesar Rodney Institute, and such national groups as the Heritage Foundation and the Christian Educators Association.

The Google Consumer Survey poll surveyed 300 union members and union households throughout the country and found that 39.2 percent of respondents said they were unaware they could opt out of union membership and not pay at least a portion of union dues without any penalty.

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In addition, 25 percent of union members said they would opt out of union membership if they could do so with no penalty. Seventy-five percent of those polled said they believe employees should have the right to decide whether to join or leave a union.

“Belonging to a union shouldn’t be like the Hotel California where you can check in but you can never leave. These survey results illustrate why NEFW is a vital educational campaign,” said Victor Joecks, executive director of National Employee Freedom Week. “All Americans should be aware of their rights regarding whether or not they want to be a part of a union.”

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