Statehouse Business: Week 5
Delaware Business Times will recap each week of the 2020 Delaware General Assembly by tracking bills of interest in the state’s business community as they proceed through the legislative process.
A bill is first assigned to either a House of Representatives or Senate committee for hearings on its proposal within 12 days of introduction. After the hearing, the committee may vote to send the bill to the floor of the chamber for a full vote among members. If approved on the House or Senate floor, the bill is sent to the opposite chamber for a committee and floor vote. If approved there, Gov. John Carney will either sign or veto the bill. Bills will be listed along with their primary sponsor.
Committee votes are tracked in three numbers: Favorable, On Its Merits (meaning no opinion but willing to let full chamber weigh in) and Unfavorable. Full chamber votes are tracked in four numbers: Yes, No, Not Voting and Absent. There are 21 members of the Delaware Senate and 41 members of the Delaware House of Representatives.
Signed by the Governor:
SB198 (Paradee)Signed by Carney on Feb. 10. Approved by House in 37-0-2-2 vote on Jan. 28. Senate approved bill in 21-0-0-0 vote on Jan. 16.
This act repeals the authority granted to Kent County Levy Court to impose a lodging tax to benefit the Kent County Regional Sports Complex Corporation, also known as DE Turf. This authority was granted during the first session of the 150th General Assembly.
SB200 (Townsend)
Signed by Carney on Feb. 10. Approved by House in 40-0-0-1 vote on Jan. 30. Senate approved bill in 21-0-0-0 vote on Jan. 16.
This Act supports the ongoing work of the Primary Care Reform Collaborative to achieve better health for Delawareans at a lower cost by facilitating the sharing of de-identified health expenditure information and fostering transparency that is critical to the effective delivery of primary care in Delaware. Specifically, this Act requires the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) to provide access to the Delaware Health Care Claims Database to two additional state agencies, the Department of Insurance and Delaware Health Care Commission.
HB178 (Lynn)
Signed by Carney on Feb. 10. Approved by House in 41-0-0-0 vote on June 30. Senate approved bill in 20-0-0-1 vote on Jan. 22.
This act reconciles discrepancies between § 8705 of Title 9 of the Delaware Code and § 2903 of Title 25 of the Delaware Code, clarifying that all taxes assessed against real estate by Kent or Sussex Counties are governed by § 8705 of Title 9 and that the date on which Sussex County considers a tax delinquent is July 1. The Act also clarifies that the duration of a lien for municipal taxes for a municipalities in Kent and Sussex Counties is 10 years unless a period greater than 10 years is provided for in the municipality’s charter.
House and Senate are currently in recess. The Joint Finance Committee is meeting to review the governor’s budget proposal. The departments and agencies that were reviewed this week included:Volunteer Fire Companies
Delaware Geological Survey
Department of Agriculture
Department of Technology & Information
Department of Transportation
Delaware Criminal Justice Council
Delaware Statistical Analysis Center
Delaware Criminal Justice Information System
Office of the State Treasurer
Delaware Auditor of Accounts
Department of Corrections
Department of Labor
Department of Elections
Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education
Department of Education