SmartBoard Web Cited:
Launch date: May 26, 2015
Website’s main goal:
Many law firm websites provide end-users with an online directory of their firm’s attorneys. Morris Nichols made a concerted effort to provide clients and referral sources an interactive experience. When you visit you are introduced to four core components: Attorneys, Practices, Resources and Careers. You have the opportunity to connect, search, glean or pursue.
Website highlight:
Morris Nichols is proud to be a Wilmington, Delaware based law firm. Our legacy is based on legal excellence and we have an impressive track record for attracting the best and brightest talent. Visit the Careers section and check out our video on “The Delaware Option” which highlights why young legal professionals should explore a career in Delaware. Note: Produced in collaboration with local videographer, The Kitchen.
Thought leadership matters:
The business of law is 24/7. Morris Nichols recognizes that our clients value accessibility. We have developed Delaware Legal Practice Apps covering Bankruptcy, Trust, Unclaimed Property and Corporate & Alternative Entity law (coming soon!). These on-the-go resources afford attorneys and industry professionals numerous source materials in a consolidated and comprehensive location. Download them free from the App store.
Editor’s note: If you’ve launched or redesigned your website in the past 12 months, we would like to feature it in this section of SmartBoard.