School-age kids vote Sanders and Trump in poll


Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were the hands-down winners when Rock the Vote and Newsela polled 314 K-12 Delaware students as part of Students Vote 2016.

The students would have elected Bernie Sanders, with 54.4 percent of the vote, over Hillary Clinton, with 45.5 percent.

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They would have chosen Donald Trump, who garnered 70 percent of the vote, over John Kasich, with 7.2 percent, or Ted Cruz, with 22.7 percent.

Sanders won even in urban schools, where Clinton was expected to have an advantage. Fifty percent of urban students voted for Sanders, and just 30 percent voted for Clinton.

Trump won only 10 percent of urban votes, the same as Cruz. Kasich garnered no urban votes.

Trump and Sanders also won in rural schools. In suburban schools, the winners were Trump and Clinton.

Clinton and Trump also won the majority of students who received free and reduced lunches

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