Linda Parkowski
Executive Director, Kent Economic Partnership
Kent Economic Partnership Executive Linda Parkowski has a vision for what Delaware’s smallest county will look like a few years down the line: a land with heavy hitters in the industrial and manufacturing sectors to inspire local business growth to support them.
This year, Parkowski led Kent County in great strides to achieve that dream. At least four manufacturers announced impending arrivals, which will bring an estimated 179 jobs to the county. Among those companies is U.S. Corrugated, which announced plans to build a $80 million facility in Dover. With its cutting-edge technology and plans for a research and development department, the corrugated cardboard box manufacturer promises high-paying jobs and the chance to spur the local economy.
Other notable victories for Kent County that Parkowski had a key role in landing include Independent Metal Strap, NVP Shoreline, USA Fulfillment and Avalon Industries. The county also broke ground at the Duck Creek Business Park, an undertaking by KRM Development and The Dixon Group that was 17 years in the making. Once the first speculative building is erected, Parkowksi will serve as the loudest voice in marketing it and smoothing out the process with state, county and local leaders.
Interest is growing in Kent County, and the KEP plans to revamp its online site selector rools, as well as working on innovative ways to tell the county’s story in a COVID-world. In 2021, Parkowski will continue to be the chief marketer for Kent County, but also a emissary between businesses and Delaware officials. With an expected agreement on the Civil Air Terminal in January and a revamped workforce study, Parkowski’s next moves are anticipated to change the course of Kent County’s future.