Manufacturing & Distribution

Self-driving cars could turn insurance industry on its head

By Kathy CanavanThe auto-insurance industry won't join slide-rule manufacturers on the endangered industries list, but local brokers know...

How Delaware is creating a pipeline of skilled workers in manufacturing

Editor's Note: Mark Brainard, president of Del Tech, recently added this blog post to a conversation started...

WTC Delaware plans roundtable about Canada

  Ensuring its position as Delaware’s second-largest trading partner, Canada imported $626 million in Delawarean goods and services...

Delaware River ports vital to energy industry

While the global energy marketplace continues to change in far-reaching and dynamic ways, the Delaware River port...
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Dredging almost done, officials look to opportunities for port expansion

By Christi MilliganWhen it comes to cause and effect in a maritime economy, you can't get much...

Lean manufacturing comes naturally at Miller Metal

By Kathy CanavanBRIDGEVILLE "“ Marty Miller was fixing equipment in a food-processing plant in 1983 when he...

Decimated manufacturing sector showing some rumbles of activity

DEDO provides training to businesses and the agency partners with the Delaware Manufacturing Extension Program to coach...

Trade mission to promote Delaware to German companies begins today

Gov. Jack  Markell will be in Germany Tuesday to strengthen relationships with German companies and business...
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DuPont spinoff Croda prospers in Delaware expansion

"Croda has made a significant contribution toward the future of Delaware's economy and environment. We are proud...

EPA gives approval for new DuPont ingredient

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted registration approval for a new DuPont disease control active ingredient,...

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