Global Delaware is bringing back its team of international trade representatives to meet with local companies and explore opportunities for expanding their businesses abroad.
Reps from Canada, Germany, Israel, Mexico and South Korea will present an overview of export opportunities in their respective countries and be available for one-on-one meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce.
Delaware’s trade reps work in-country to perform market research and analysis, develop product strategies for market entry, identify distributors and potential customers, and provide in-country logistical, translational and related support services on behalf of Delaware companies.
“Last year’s event gave a lot of local business people real food for thought,” said Beth Pomper, Global Delaware’s export advisor. “They learned which products and services are in greatest demand in the represented markets, and what they can do to kick-start their export programs. As a result, many more signed up for trade missions and followed up on other exporting opportunities.”
The reps know the certification processes, regulations, and business laws in their home countries, Pomper said, and can provide Delaware companies with the tools and resources to successfully sell their goods and services in the global marketplace. In addition, they have key connections Delaware businesses need to get appointments with people who are in a position to purchase their products and services.
Global Delaware’s strategic export initiative focuses on offering tactical and practical services to increase exports and ultimately create jobs. Over the past year, Global Delaware has led trade missions to Mexico, Canada and South Korea, generating over $10 million in projected sales for the next 18 months. New missions to Germany and Canada are planned for this fall. In addition, 32 Delaware businesses have received financial assistance in the form of STEP grants to expand their exports this year.
“We are here to help Delaware businesses find and grow markets internationally,” said Global Delaware Director Andrea Tinianow. “The world is changing fast, and we want Delaware businesses to be positioned for success in the global economy.”
Registration for the event opens at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 7. at the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce, 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE. Delaware trade reps will provide brief country overviews starting at 9:00 a.m., followed by one-on-one meetings throughout the morning.
To register for this event and sign up for one-on-one meetings, click this link and fill out the short form.