Wilmington Airport shuttle bridges gap to international flights

Wilmington New Castle Airport 2022 Avelo
The Wilmington Airport (ILG) will see more flights to and from Georgia, as well as a new transportation option to nearby Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) | DBT PHOTO BY JACOB OWENS

WILMINGTON — The Wilmington Airport (ILG) will see new flights to Georgia, as well as returning some flights, in addition to adding a new way to transport travelers to Philadelphia in style.

Last week, the Delaware River and Bay Authority announced a partnership with Landline and American Airlines to help bridge the gap between the ILG and Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) through a luxury motorcade service. Starting in October, Delaware residents can book American Airline flights to all 50 states.

Travelers can head to ILG and complete their security check in Wilmington before hopping on a Landline bus headed straight to the PHL. After an hour’s drive, travelers will arrive at a secure gate at the PHL terminal and get on a connecting flight. 

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Tickets are now available for purchase from American Airlines for one-stop connections to over 100 destinations across the globe.

Landline, the shuttle company that has partnered with American Airline, received the first TSA approval for airside-to-airside ground operations back in June 2022. After that approval, Landline Marketing Specialist Hannah Tamura said that the company first focused on operations at three airports in the Philadelphia region, including Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) and Atlantic City International Airport.

These two markets over the last year have been incredibly popular, leading Landline and American Airlines to expand service to other markets, including Wilmington Delaware,” Tamura said. “ We increased frequency earlier this year to both ABE and ACY by the popular request of the passengers looking to connect on American Airlines/Landline service. We anticipate further growth in the future, and look forward to future success in Delaware. “

With Avelo Airliner, ILG has seen renewed life in the past two years,averaging 2,100 flights in its first year. Its low tickets, some including one-way trips as low as $41, also help entice people within a short driving distance to book a seat. Avelo has announced it will be expanding service with a second aircraft.

Last week, Avelo announced it will be adding Atlanta, Ga. to its schedule at ILG. It will also see the return of three Florida cities Daytona Beach, Palm Beach, and Sarasota-Bradenton.

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