A new real estate office is opening in Wilmington on Oct. 15, and anyone who attends the grand opening can sit for a free professional headshot or adopt a pet at the event and have the adoption fees paid.
Mike Milligan, the Century 21 broker who will run Century 21 Emerald, will discuss his company’s industry insights into the Wilmington market.
Bob Weir, president of the New Castle Couty Board of Realtors, and Eric Braunstein, president of the Delaware Association of Realtors, will discuss local housing trends.
The opening will be held from 2-6 p.m. at the Century 21 Emerald office at 501 Silverside Road, Suite 42 in North Wilmington.
The headshots are courtesy of Studio One Photography, and Century 21 Emerald will pay adoption fees for pet adopted from the Delaware Humane Association at the event.