The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved Eastern Shore Natural Gas’ application to expand firm natural gas transportation service to Calpine Energy Services’ Garrison Energy Center in Dover.
Eastern, a subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation will transport 45,000 dekatherms of natural gas per day to service Calpine’s 309 MW electric generation plant.
ESNG plans to expand its facilities with the $38 million installation of 5.4 miles of 16-inch pipeline looping and 3,550 horsepower of new compression in Delaware. Eastern Shore estimates it will generate at least $5.8 million of revenue annually from providing the OPT service to Calpine. Since Calpine’s electric generation plant initiated operations in the second quarter of 2015, ESNG has been providing Calpine with a limited mix of short-term service solutions until the facilities associated with this project are completed.
Completion of the facilities are anticipated during the first quarter of 2017.