Feds approve natural gas transport

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved Eastern Shore Natural Gas’ application to expand firm natural gas transportation service to Calpine Energy Services’ Garrison Energy Center in Dover.

Eastern, a subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation will transport 45,000 dekatherms of natural gas per day to service Calpine’s 309 MW electric generation plant.

ESNG plans to expand its facilities with the $38 million installation of 5.4 miles of 16-inch pipeline looping and 3,550 horsepower of new compression in Delaware. Eastern Shore estimates it will generate at least $5.8 million of revenue annually from providing the OPT service to Calpine. Since Calpine’s electric generation plant initiated operations in the second quarter of 2015, ESNG has been providing Calpine with a limited mix of short-term service solutions until the facilities associated with this project are completed.

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Completion of the facilities are anticipated during the first quarter of 2017.

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