
Federal funds propel hybrid Cape-May Lewes Ferry vessel

LEWES — A $20 million federal grant is propelling green energy in the First State as the...

First State Hydrogen aims to kickstart Delaware’s hydrogen economy

First State Hydrogen has secured millions from the federal H2Hubs grant, and its founders Andrew Cottone and Dora Cheatham have their eyes set on the next stage for the energy company.

Delaware to transition some state agency cars to EVs

Delaware is continuing to push ahead with its transition from gas-powered vehicles to electric vehicles, starting with requiring that certain passenger vehicles owned by the state must be zero emission by 2040.

Delmarva Power accelerates trades workforce training program

Delmarva Power is working to offer more pathways to careers in the trades for anyone older than 18 through three programs based in Delaware and Maryland.
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Norwegian-based Equinor wins wind farm lease off the coast of Sussex County

SUSSEX COUNTY — A Norwegian-based energy company says it's ready to set wind to future plans just...

Wind energy procurement bill could pave way for Delaware’s new role

As the state collects public comments on the local impacts of one offshore wind project close to...

Delmarva Power Region President Vavala takes the helm

Phil Vavala the new region president for Atlantic City Electric and Delmarva Power, talks about his vision for energy and community investment in the First State.

Chesapeake Utilities grows across Delaware region— and beyond

In the past eight years, Chesapeake Utilities has moved into a new headquarters and grown its customer base to 442,000 people across nine territories.
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Dover Transit Center to see nearly $5M in grants for solar upgrades

DOVER — Nearly $5 million in congressional grant funding will soon help the Downtown Dover Partnership and...

Artesian invests in infrastructure for PFAS testing

Artesian Resources has already spent $3.9 million on upgrading equipment at 10 facilities to treat for PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals."

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