DSU: No tuition increase for 2016-2017 academic year

The Delaware State University (DSU) Board of Trustees recently approved the institution’s tuition and fee structure for the 2016-17 academic year. There will be no increase of in-state and out-of-state tuitions.

The in-state tuition will remain unchanged at $3,755 and the out-of-state tuition will remain unchanged at $8,069 per semester. The mandatory fees for all students – student activities, technology and student center complex – will remain unchanged as well. There will also be no additional increase to reside in the university’s traditional residential halls, which ranges between $3,488 and $3,745 per semester.

There will be a modest 3% increase in the meal plan rates; which is contractually required to cover the increase in the Consumer Price Index

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“The university continues to work hard to keep its higher education experience affordable,” said DSU President Harry L. Williams. “As our students and their families look toward the 2016-2017 school year, they now have the comfort of knowing that their tuition costs will not increase.”

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