DNREC holding public workshops for state’s Clean Power Plan
DOVER – DNREC’s Division of Air Quality will hold three public workshops later this month to share information with Delawareans on climate change, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) and how Delaware plans to comply with it, as well as how to take advantage of grants and other programs offered by DNREC’s Division of Energy & Climate.
Workshops will be held as follows, with one in each county:
• Sussex County: 4:30-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 27, Millsboro Senior Center, 214 Irons Avenue, Millsboro, DE 19966
• Kent County: 4:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 28, City of Dover Public Library, 35 East Loockerman Street, Dover, DE 19901
• New Castle County: 4:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 29, Bellevue Community Center, 500 Duncan Road, Wilmington, DE 19809
“Through these workshops, we are inviting Delawareans to participate in the decision-making process and development of Delaware’s state Clean Power Plan,” said Valerie Gray, Division of Air Quality planning supervisor. “We want to involve our communities on how they could be impacted by this plan, and work together to develop strategies to further reduce emissions.”
The workshops will be held in an open format, with DNREC staff available for individual discussions. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions, discuss the issues and share their concerns.
For more information on the workshops, or to request accommodations for hearing impairment or language translation, please contact Valerie Gray, DNREC Division of Air Quality, at 302-739-9402 or email valerie.gray@state.de.us.
For information on Delaware’s Weatherization Assistance Program, visit de.gov/wap or call the Division of Energy & Climate at 302-735-3480.
The Clean Power Plan (CPP) was developed by the EPA to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. States are required to develop and submit their own Clean Power Plans for reducing these emissions to the EPA. EPA’s CPP is modeled after the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative (RGGI), a program that Delaware and nine New England and Mid-Atlantic states developed and implemented beginning in 2009. RGGI reduces CO2 emissions by establishing a regional cap on the amount of CO2 that power plants can emit through the issuance of a limited number of tradable CO2 allowances. Since 2008, power plant emissions have decreased by over 50 percent. Delaware plans to comply with the federal requirements through continued participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). More information on the federal Clean Power Plan is available at https://www.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan, and on the RGGI program website at http://rggi.org/.