Dems elect Erik Raser-Schramm chairman

Delaware Democrats have elected Erik Raser-Schramm as the new chairman of the state party. He succeeds John Daniello, who is retiring. Raser-Schramm has been involved with the party since 2002 and

Raser-Schramm has been involved with the party since 2002 and recently led Stephanie Hansen’s special election campaign in February, a high-stakes race that garnered national attention. He also represented Delaware as a Clinton delegate at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Betsy Maron and Jim Hussey will be vice chairs. Linda Cavanaugh will serve as secretary. Helen Keeley will be treasurer. Kristin Dwyer and Sean Finnegan will serve on the national committee.

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The party platform advocates for a $15 minimum wage, overturning Citizens United, fighting wealth and income inequality, ending super PACs, ending mass incarceration, equal pay for equal work, working toward debt-free college, investing in green energy, Wall Street reform and a commitment to mental health and substance abuse treatment.

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