Democrats take another crack at $15 minimum wage bill
Delaware Democratic legislators on May 31 filed a bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour over the next five years.
The first hike would take place on January 1, 2020, raising the minimum to $11 per hour. It would then rise $1 each year until 2025. After that, the rate would be pegged to the consumer price index as calculated by the federal government for the 12 months prior to the September 30 preceding that January 1.
The current minimum wage is $8.75 per hour and will rise to $9.25 in October. The Delaware Senate in 2018 attempted to raise the minimum wage to $10.25 by 2021, until an amendment struck down that portion of the bill.
At the end of the last legislative session, Democratic legislators attempted to pass a bill raising the minimum to $15 per hour, but it was dropped amid tense budget negotiations. In the months since, surrounding states have passed legislation making the leap to $15 themselves.
Sen. Darius J. Brown is the primary sponsor. The bill will now be sent to the Senate Labor Committee.