Democratic lawmakers eye ban on large-capacity magazines
Democratic lawmakers are continuing to push for stricter gun regulations in Delaware, proposing a ban on high-capacity magazines.
A bill introduced April 12 criminalizes the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, receipt or unlawful possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
As with other recent gun-control proposals, exemptions would be allowed for both active and retired police officers.
The bill does not call for the confiscation of large-capacity magazines already lawfully owned by Delawareans, but it does prohibit their possession in public places – areas to which the public or a “substantial group of persons” has access.
Shooting ranges could rent high-capacity magazines to customers for on-premise use.
Violation of the ban would be a misdemeanor for a first offense and a felony for a subsequent offense.
So why are retired LEO’s aloud to retain their 2A rights.