Delaware WIC moves to La Red Health Center in Georgetown

Delaware Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program has moved to the La Red Health Center in Georgetown. The Division of Public Health held a grand opening on Thursday.

The Division, which manages Delaware WIC, and La Red Health Center decided to partner as way to offer medical and social services under one roof. WIC clients now have access to primary care, dental care, behavioral health care and a number of other services.

“Delaware Health and Social Services strategically integrates services in communities that need them most, and at this new location, pregnant women, new mothers, and young children who are enrolled in WIC can more easily access health care and other social services,” said DPH Director Dr. Karyl Rattay.

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The move is also intended to help Georgetown residents with limited transportation options access a number of services at a single location.

“La Red Health Center offers two critical patient enabling services, interpretation and transportation, which help us overcome language and transportation barriers to care. We have interpreters and also utilize a language line to assist patients,” said Brian Olson, CEO for La Red Health Center.

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