Delaware Business Leaders inducts three new members into Hall of Fame

Last night, Junior Achievement of Delaware hosted the induction ceremony of three new members into the Delaware Business Leaders Hall of Fame at the Wilmington Country Club. Founded in 1990, the initiative honors business and community leaders who impact the workforce and economic development of the region.

Rob Martinelli, CEO and president of Today Media, presided over the induction of Robert W. Perkins, J. Michael Bowman and Terry A. Strine. Here’s some background on the honorees:

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Terry Strine is founder and chair of Leadership Delaware, Inc., an intensive program for young professionals aspiring to leadership roles in their careers. Strine was recruited out of college by IBM as a data processing marketing representative and assigned to Wilmington. He soon joined the U.S. Coast Guard, and while stationed in Portland, ME, met his wife, Sandy. He later returned to civilian life and became a stock broker in Wilmington, first with Francis I. du Punt, then with Butcher & Sherrerd. He eventually became a commercial investment real estate broker.

Mike Bowman is the state director of the Delaware Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the associate director of the University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP) and president of Delaware Technology Park (DTP). Previously, Bowman was chairman and CEO of DTP, a collaboration between the State of Delaware, University of Delaware and private industry.  Prior to leading D TP, he was a vice president and general manager for E.I. du Pout de Nemours Advanced Material Systems business unit, which developed more than 40 new technologies.

Bob Perkins is executive director of the Delaware Business Roundtable, a position he assumed in 2014. He also is executive director of the Wilmington Leaders Alliance.  In 2012, he founded the consulting firm Brandywine Public Strategies, LLC. In the private sector, he worked at several major companies leading innovative public affairs strategies designed to drive shareholder value and favorably Impact reputation with key stakeholders.  He served as vice president of Global Public Policy at AstraZeneca, leading the company’s efforts to enhance trans|)areney, create industry-leading access to health programs and create external messages on the value of pharmaceutical innovation. At DnPont Pharmaceuticals, he created an innovative nationwide initiative on patient safely that protected patients and dramatically improved sales performance.

In addition, Delaware Business Leaders awarded the Alumni Award to State Rep. Melanie George Smith of (D) Bear. She was introduced by her mentor State Sen. Greg Lavelle (R) Wilmington. JA also awarded the Volunteers of the Year to Tiffany Christian and Kathie Koster.

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