DBT40 Honoree: Jonathan Arena of Hosting.com
AGE: 35
TITLE: V.P. of Operations
COMPANY: Hosting.com
CITY: Newark
What the nominator said: “Jonathan Arena has always put customer service first, no matter what the job has been. After HostMySite was acquired by private equity in 2008, he continued to rise through the corporate ranks with Hosting.com. As a director and V.P., he currently leads strategy over operations management and guides corporate strategy.”
Best career advice you ever got: Always keep learning. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
Two words that best describe you: Caring and focused.
Work/life balance technique you recommend: Work/life balance is required at all times, but especially when on the go. When traveling frequently for work, try to find something nearby that you want to do and make sure you do it.
If you were in charge of Delaware: I would focus as many resources as possible on fostering entrepreneurial development, especially in the technology and health-care verticals, where there is consistent growth and opportunity, to replace what is being lost in the financial, manufacturing and chemical sectors.
In one sentence, define “success.” Being able to enjoy what you have, while you have it, with who you have it with.