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ChristianaCare Newark Campus Colon and Rectal Surgery Associates of Delaware
Eugene Young Delaware State Housing Authority
More than 1,000 people are already working at the new ILG1 fulfillment center in Bear. | DBT PHOTO BY JACOB OWENS
Potter Anderson, based out of 1313 North Market in Wilmington, is one of two law firms that have announced it will raise its starting salary for associates. | PHOTO COURTESY OF POTTER ANDERSON
A map of Millsboro showcases the upcoming bypass and interchange headed for the downtown area. l PHOTO COURTESY OF DELAWARE'S DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
Sports tourism events now have a new grant opportunity available to organizers. l PHOTO COURTESY OF ALEKSANDER SAKS/UNSPLASH
The Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce has seen its fair share of growth as Sussex County continues to bloom with residents and new businesses. To accommodate the growth, the chamber decided it was time to branch out with a second location. l PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BETHANY-FENWICK AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
DelDOT Secretary Nicole Majeski and Dover Air Force Base Commander Colonel William C. McDonald sign a new 50-year lease for the Civil Air Terminal located on the Air Force Base in Dover surrounded by local leaders. l PHOTO BY JENNIFER ANTONIK

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