Allen Harim, a poultry producer based in southern Delaware, yesterday broke ground on the construction phase of $22 million hatchery on Nine Foot Road in Dagsboro.
The 70,000-square-foot facility will process up to 2.5 million eggs per week. It will also help the company move away from giving antibiotics to its chickens.
“This is an exciting moment for this company and a significant investment for our company on Delmarva,” said President and CEO Joe Moran. “Our No Antibiotic Ever chicken requires us to have the healthiest and strongest chicks right from the start, and this new hatchery will ensure that. This facility will be energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and the most technologically-advanced hatchery on Delmarva.”
The new structure will replace the Dagsboro hatchery built in 1973 and purchased by Allen Family Foods in 1988. The old hatchery was used as a backup facility due to its outdated equipment. The company will close its main hatchery in Seaford once the new facility is completed.