Nickle Electrical energizes Veterans Fund drive

(L to R): Ben Ferris, Paul Woodland, Dave Skocik, Heather Shupe, Ken Emmons | PHOTO COURTESY OF NICKLE ELECTRICAL

“It’s such a pleasure to witness our employees come together and support veterans in our communities. I hope it provides inspiration and optimism, even during this difficult year. Thank you to all our employee donors and a special thank you to all of our veterans,” said President/CEO of Nickle Electrical Steve Dignan, in a statement about the companies contribution of $8,040 to the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund.

“This annual fundraising drive by the good folks at the company’s Newark and Georgetown offices is particularly appreciated during this time of cancellation of so many events,” said Dave Skocik in a statement, president of the Friends of Delaware Veterans at the November 3rd presentation in Newark. “Fundraising has been particularly challenging, but the needs of our veterans continue.”

The Friends, all military veterans who work pro bono, are the official fundraising organization of the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund.

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