New Castle County information systems ranked 8th nationally

New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer

NEW CASTLE – New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer congratulated the county’s information system team on their achievement on being ranked 8th among counties with population between 500,000 and 1 million.

The rankings, announced by the Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo), were broadcasted during the 18th annual Digital Counties Survey. The survey, conducted by CDG in partnership with NACo, identifies the best technology practices among U.S. counties, including initiatives that streamline delivery of government services, encourage open data, collaboration and shared services, enhance cybersecurity and contribute to disaster response and recovery efforts. The official announcement can be found here.

“We are very proud of our nationality recognized Information Systems team,” New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer said in a statement. “Your county government has delivered honest, transparent and efficient government, even in the face of a global pandemic.”

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From the beginning of the Meyer administration, the leadership team made updating New Castle County’s information systems a priority. Michael Hojnicki, chief of technology and administrative services, worked with his team to develop and implement a plan that included rebuilding the network infrastructure, delivering a centralized voice communication system, migrating systems to the cloud, and redesigning cybersecurity defenses. With a modernized infrastructure, information systems completed critical upgrades to core business applications across all departments.

“This is a tribute to the hard work of the men and women of the County information systems team,” Hojnicki said in a statement. “It is truly amazing to see the amount of work the small team has accomplished over the past three and a half years and we have no doubt that New Castle County will continue to benefit from our investment in technology for years to come.”

500,000 – 999,999 Population Category

1st County of Ventura, Calif.

2nd Prince George’s County, Md.

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3rd Snohomish County, Wash.

3rd Westchester County, N.Y.

4th DeKalb County, Ga.

5th Gwinnett County, Ga.

6th Baltimore County, Md.

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7th San Joaquin County, Calif.

8th New Castle County, Del.

9th County of San Mateo, Calif.

10th County of Chester, Pa

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