Up to $5,000 available to women-owned businesses in H.E.R. Business Planning Competition

WILMINGTON Writing a business plan for a woman-owned business? The Women’s Business Center at True Access Capital wants to help.

The H.E.R. Business Plan Competition, sponsored by True Access Capital, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and Citizens Bank, will award three cash prizes to women-owned businesses who submit their business plans for consideration.

Sara Crawford

“The H.E.R. Business Plan Competition is intended to help sustainable businesses continue to grow in Delaware,” said Sara Crawford of the WBC in a statement. “And sustainable businesses start with solid business plans.”

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A first-place prize of $5,000 and two additional prizes of $2,500 each will be awarded at the True Access Capital Annual Meeting on Oct. 28.

Contestants must meet eligibility requirements and submit a business plan along with the competition application. All contestants are encouraged to work with the WBC’s advisors and services to create or refine their business plans. WBC services are free and designed to help business owners develop functional business plans.

The application deadline is Aug. 18.

For the application, eligibility and contest rules, visit http://www.trueaccesscapital.org/HER

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