Delaware grants awarded to support homeless youth

Grants through the Mckinney-Vento Homelessness Act have been awarded for Delaware school districts. l PHOTO COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/ELEMENT5 DIGITAL

DOVER — Nearly $400,000 has been awarded to fourteen school districts from across the state to help lessen the load for students experiencing homelessness. 

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Education for Homeless Children and Youth grants help education leaders in Delaware support “homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence,” according to the press release from the Delaware Department of Education.

Funds made possible through the grant can be used toward transportation needs, health care based referral services, clothing, food, training, school supplies, temporary housing and other needs. 

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This year, Milford School District was awarded $15,000, New Castle County Vocational Technical was awarded $26,000 and Cape Henlopen School District was awarded $20,872. Eleven schools or districts were awarded $30,000 each, including Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School, Appoquinimink School District, Brandywine School District, Caesar Rodney School District, Capital School District, Christina School District, Indian River School District, Seaford School District, Smyrna School District, Sussex Montessori Charter School and Woodbridge School District. 

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