NEWARK – The Delaware Small Business Chamber will hold their Annual Meeting and 10th Annual Blue Ribbon Awards Brunch on July 8th at Deerfield from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM to recognize businesses and individuals in 21 different categories. Most winners will be revealed at the brunch event; however the DSBC has announced the winners of two of their most prestigious awards – the Lifetime Achievement & President’s Award for Business Excellence. This is the fifth year that the awards have been presented.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an individual who has achieved a high degree of success in business and/or has demonstrated a history of promoting and supporting the Delaware small business community over the course of their career. The DSBC’s 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Brother Ronald Giannone, OFM Cap., founder of the Ministry of Caring. Delaware has been fortunate that since 1977, this man has helped the poorest among us through partnerships with local business and generous, caring support from the business community. His work has improved the quality of life of tens of thousands of people through his creation of the Ministry of Caring. He has created 19 programs that help support many needing people in our state.
The President’s Award for Business Excellence, given to a worthy organization who has achieved a high degree of success and has brought positive recognition to the Delaware area Small Business community. The DSBC’s 2021 President’s Award for Business Excellence is being presented to WSFS Bank. Chartered as a Delaware thrift in 1832 to encourage the working citizens of Wilmington to safeguard and increase their savings in a community bank. WSFS today is a multi-billion-dollar financial services company and now the largest locally headquartered bank in the Greater Delaware Valley, with main HQ in Wilmington and secondary HQ in Philadelphia.
Previous winners of the Lifetime Achievement award were Jayne Armstrong, Governor Pete du Pont and Michael Hemphill. Previous winners of the President’s Award for Business Excellence were ILC Dover, So Del Concepts and Dogfish Head Brewery.
The Delaware Small Business Chamber, founded in late 2011, is a statewide resource for small businesses throughout Delaware and the surrounding communities and the larger businesses that work with those local small business owners.
At the Award Brunch, the Delaware Small Business Chamber will announce the winners of other awards voted on by business peers in multiple categories along with six other more prestigious awards and are judged by a panel of judges.
The Delaware Small Business Chamber is dedicated to helping local small business between 0-100 employees start, grow and work together to build their companies as well as bringing together larger companies to work with the local small business community. The DSBC offers networking, cost cutting, referral, ribbon cutting and business educational programs among other programs to their members as some of the many benefits. For more information, or to join visit them at or call them at 302-482-2120.