Bank of America donates 100K masks to Donate Delaware

In communities across the country, Bank of America has been working with local partners to provide resources to vulnerable and underserved communities hardest hit by the coronavirus. In Delaware, Bank of America is partnering with Donate Delaware to provide personal protective equipment, specifically 100,000 masks.

This donation is part of a nationwide effort by Bank of America to immediately distribute nearly 4 million PPE masks to communities disproportionally impacted by the coronavirus, including communities of color, and is connected to its $1 billion, four-year commitment of additional support to help local communities address economic and racial inequality accelerated by a global pandemic. This is in addition to the 4 million masks the company donated earlier this year in cities across the country.

“The health and safety of our employees, clients and communities remain our top priority during this health and humanitarian crisis,” said Chip Rossi, Delaware market president for Bank of America, in a statement. “One of the ways we are helping our community during the coronavirus is by working with local partners to identify and distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) masks to the most vulnerable populations.”

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Since March of 2020 Donate Delaware has been supporting communities up and down the state of Delaware by providing much needed PPE supplies.  Due to the generosity of business and nonprofit partners who donated PPE supplies, Donate Delaware has distributed close to $1 million worth of personal protective equipment to date.

“This fight to control the coronavirus is not a sprint, it is a marathon.  It will take all of us working together to suppress this pandemic, which we will,” said Dave Tiberi, co-founder of Donate Delaware, in a statement. “Please consider joining the Donate Delaware and Bank of America team as we continue to do our part to ensure that our communities statewide remain safe and healthy during these challenging times.”

Donate Delaware will provide a “mask request form” on its website to be completed by organizations and communities throughout the state. This form will be available starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 31. As part of its outreach, Donate Delaware volunteers will work with nonprofit and community leaders to ensure that masks reach the most vulnerable populations as well as front-line workers, senior homes, schools and health centers.

For more information or to support Donate Delaware, click here.

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