Delaware KIDS Fund Camping out for Coats secures 2,600 coats

Newport – Harvey Hanna & Associates, along with its in-house 501c(3) Fund, The Delaware KIDS Fund, successfully concluded its 4th annual “Camping out for Coats” fundraiser, the proceeds of which will purchase 2,600 new Operation Warm Coats for 2,600 local elementary students at various local Delaware schools including Highlands, Marbook, and Richey Elementary schools in the Wilmington, Delaware, area.

Notwithstanding COVID-19 challenges, this was the most successful coat campaign in the “Camping Out for Coats” program’s four-year history. Over 80 campers slept out overnight across 30 different campsites in 13 different towns across Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina with an attempt to experience those harsh elements that homeless children in Delaware experience this time of year.

Officials at Marbrook Elementary School distributing coats | PHOTO COURTESY OF HARVEY HANNA & ASSOCIATES

Launched in 2017, The Delaware KIDS Fund “Camping out for Coats” program is an annual challenge- based fundraising campaign providing brand new Operation Warm coats for every student at select schools ahead of the winter season.

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The event was streamed live at in November.  The live stream included a live virtual check-in with participating campers, virtual fire-side chats with guest speakers, live music with Sam Smick, Billy Pierce, and the popular Wilmington duo of Skinner and Spadola. The virtual event also featured an on-line silent auction and various camp inspired video presentations.

To accelerate monetary donations and strengthen awareness for local children in need, several members from the community traditionally camp out overnight at a designated site in downtown Newport, Delaware. This year, the annual campout was hosted remotely in a safe and socially distant format to help meet current CDC guidelines regarding live events. Coat distribution began in November and concluded last week as organizers aligned with COVID-19 impacted school calendars.

Since 2017, The Delaware KIDS Fund, founding partner Harvey, Hanna & Associates and Operation Warm, a non-profit coat manufacturer, have collaborated to deliver over 8,600 coats to 8,600 local children at 15 different Delaware schools experiencing extraordinarily high poverty rates.

The Delaware KIDS Fund is also pleased to acknowledge two generous year end gifts towards the campaign from Michael Nemeroff, a Philadelphia entrepreneur and philanthropist, and his Rush Order Tee’s for $10,000 (Philadelphia, PA) and the Ellice and Rosa McDonald Foundation for $10,000 (Wilmington, DE). Wilmington, Delaware entrepreneur and philanthropist, E. Thomas Harvey, III also issued a fundraising donation match challenge which resulted in $10,000 additional funds collectively donated.

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