HR Awards: Maria Clyde

Maria Clyde
Director of Human Resources

Company: BHI (Newark)

How have you championed the efforts of HR professionals in the company or community?

My role at BHI is unique as I’m the director of HR for the agency with 27 employees and five lines of business, but also an HR consultant for our clients seeking to build an HR services/consulting practice within the agency. Juggling these roles has certainly tested my time management and prioritization skills, and above all, my ability to be forward-thinking and innovative in my approaches. What works for one agency line of business may not work for another. When faced with these issues, I’ve always tapped my resources within the organization and had brainstorming sessions with the heads of each division. Outside of BHI, I frequently utilized my DE SHRM network, Vistage group and business coach, and local mentors and professionals to see what works for them. As a member of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and Delaware Contractors Association (DCA), I have often called fellow members of those organizations for help. I tap into the SHRM national website almost daily as it is a wealth of information. 

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