Fastest 50: Pike Creek Dental
Pike Creek Dental
At Pike Creek Dental our team provides the highest quality dental care in a trusting and caring environment. We utilize the latest dental technology and procedures to create and maintain healthy smiles. We strive to educate our patients because we believe an informed patient can make the best decisions. Our office offers preventive care, cosmetic, implant, endodontics and pediatric dentistry. For orthodontic treatment we offer Clear Correct and Six Month Smile as well as Zoom Whitening to achieve a glowing smile. We also offer specialized services: Laser Frenectomies, TMJ Treatment, Oral Appliance Therapy to treat sleep breathing disorders, and myofunctional therapy.
Looking back, what’s the biggest mistake you made and what would you do differently if you could?
I would have brought additional administrative staff members to the team earlier on, such as an operations manager, chief operating officer, and practice development. This would’ve freed up more time for running the daily operations so that I could focus on dentistry and patient care.
What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned over the past three years?
The ability to listen to my patients and my employees. This simple concept has given me the ability to help people the way they want to be helped. Many businesses treat all their customers the same and have a cookie-cutter approach, but I pride myself on being completely custom and listening to what my patients and staff need. Informed patients can make the best decision for themselves.