Fastest 50: Placers

Photo by Eric Crossan

Location: Newark

At Placers, we ignite the spark between businesses and next-level talent. With a team of passionate staffing experts, high-powered hiring tools, and a wide network of candidates and positions, businesses needing talent and job seekers searching for the perfect opportunity turn to Placers. 

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What have been the biggest factors that contributed to your company’s growth over the past three years?
Focus. We’ve simplified our business model, where we used to serve the whole country, we now focus our attention on being Delaware’s No. 1 choice for exceptional talent and rewarding jobs. 

Looking back, what’s the biggest mistake you made and what would you do differently if you could?
I held on to my Basset hound. As a business leader, it’s important to take a good, hard, objective look at your pet project, product, or division that you’re loyal to. What are the margins telling you? Are you looking at its profitability with rose-colored glasses simply because you want it to work? Objectivity is key. There’s no room for success when you hang on to business ideas that just aren’t working.

What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned over the past three years?
Communication is key to alignment, and alignment is key to success. Every day my entire company joins a huddle to share their priority for the day, to solve problems, and to recognize each other for jobs well done. Not only does this help foster the “all for one, one for all” culture, but it ensures we’re all accountable.

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