Fastest 50: Fusion Racing

Photo by Eric Crossan

Fusion Racing
Location: Newark


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Fusion Racing is an event-management company that helps organizations execute a profitable and successful fundraiser. Our main focus is helping with local 5K road races, but we also do manage half-marathons and marathons. We provide everything you need from start to finish line including marketing, awards, swag, photography and much more.

What have been the biggest obstacles your company has faced over the past three years, and how did you overcome them? Quick growth has been the biggest factor for Fusion Racing over the past three years. We never want to sacrifice the quality of our events that we own or manage for other people. For this reason, we’ve been turning away events this year to make sure the events we have on the books do not suffer. We feel this is not fair for our clients or the participants. We’ve continued to grow even by not adding new events or employees because we are making our clients events bigger and better. We are adding more value and participants for them. It is a win win for both organizations.

Looking back, what’s the biggest mistake you made and what would you do differently if you could? For 13 years I also owned Fusion Fitness Center. Since 2013 I ran both companies. In 2018, I decided to close Fusion Fitness at the end of the year to focus on Fusion Racing full time. I feel the biggest mistake was hanging on to both companies for so long. Looking back, I should have closed/sold Fusion Fitness and focused on the racing. Not holding onto a business for emotional reasons is a lesson most small business owners do not learn until it is to late.

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