DBT40 Honoree: Laura Lloyd
Title: Business & Staff Development
Workplace: Albero, Kupferman & Associates LLC
Age: 32
Laura Lloyd pursued a traditional CPA career path for more than 10 years, but she recently took an unexpected turn to business and staff development, a new role that her firm created to keep her on staff.
Her primary function is to oversee the training and growth of the professionals at the Wilmington accounting firm Albero, Kupferman & Associates LLC, tasking her with running its internship program, building and promoting firm culture, recruiting and hiring new employees and marketing the firm to current and potential clients.
Lloyd started the firm’s internship program five years ago, and today it is the primary driver for the firm’s new hires. She also started a leadership retreat to emphasize the firm’s culture.
Outside of the firm, she also serves as the part-time chief financial officer for a client and serves a number of nonprofits, including the Estate Planning Council of Delaware, Leadership Delaware, the UD chapter of the Chi Omega sorority and Communities in Schools of Delaware, a program dedicated to dropout prevention and educational resources.
She’s also involved with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Man & Woman of the Year campaign and has helped raise almost $100,000 for the organization in three years.
Lloyd is a bibliophile, with a goal to read 50 books this year, and a Philadelphia Eagles season ticket-holder who travels to several away games each season.