DBT40 Honoree: Maria Clyde

Title: Director of Human Resources

Workplace: B+H Insurance (BHI)

Age: 33

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Offering impactful human resources support has become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic as businesses and employees have been forced to navigate new laws and regulations during a time of fear and uncertainty.

At B+H Insurance (BHI), Director of Human Resources Maria Clyde found that working with multiple industries facing a wide variety of challenges required setting realistic expectations and setting fair and consistent policies. By recognizing her own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to work-life balance, she’s been able to help her team and other leaders find solutions instead of excuses.

In addition to offering free resources and webinars about hybrid workforces and implementing HR policies, Clyde was able to help grow BHI’s HR outsourcing department to a revenue-generating service offering clients sound advice and help improve in-person and digital communications during a stressful time.

Clyde is the youngest part-owner and member of the leadership at BHI, where she recently assisted with a merger with AssuredPartners. In 2019, shortly after having her first child, she also earned Delaware Business Times’ HR Champion of the Year Award.

She has helped build a compliant sexual harassment training module in response to Delaware’s relatively new Sexual Harassment Training law, and has provided expert guidance through local chamber and business organization webinars as well as trainings for Delaware trade organizations, such as the Delaware Restaurant Association. She also is active with the Delaware Society for Human Resource Management as the organization’s board membership chair and state council treasurer, and helped spearhead and emerging leaders initiative through the group.

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The Delaware Division of Small Business (DSB) is helping many small business owners overcome this hurdle through its Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) Program.

Clyde is not only passionate about setting a good example in the workplace, but also makes sure to balance her own needs as a working mother. In her free time, she enjoys competitive weight lifting and working out in her home garage gym with her husband.

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